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Awaken your diaphragm

Awaken your diaphragm

The diaphragm is the main muscle associated with respiratory movement, and its ease and relaxation allow us to sustain a complete breathing pattern, which oxygenates us, provides energy, and provides balance to our nervous system. When the diaphragm becomes tense or...
One-degree turns for self-renewal

One-degree turns for self-renewal

“Every day you make thousands of tiny decisions about what to do with your time. Every single choice is a chance to turn toward the life you really want.” Martha Beck, The way of integrity. Most of the time when we find ourselves in the need of a change in...
Change as a call for understanding

Change as a call for understanding

We can definitely say that these are moments of change, but seriously when is change not present in our lives? Sometimes we are more able to flow with it and adapt, sometimes it’s more challenging and we try to hold strongly into our expectations and desires… but what...