+41 78 810 2709 / +34 610 992 715 imagine@imagineacademy.eu


Imagine’s 40-day Sadhana to Relax and Release Fear


This is going to be an amazing experience!

On January 29th, 2025, at 06:30h CEST, we will begin practicing the Kundalini Yoga Set to Relax and Release Fear, followed by a Meditation with the Adi Shakti Mantra (Morning Call) on Imagine Yoga Academy’s YouTube Channel.

We invite you to have a notebook to journal every day, either before or after the experience, which greatly enhances the benefits of this practice!

 Also, check out this video to learn more about Kundalini Yoga’s 40-day practices. Pedro Misle, our Philosophy teacher, explains the theory behind this practice and offers some insights and inspiration!



The classes will be live on our YouTube Channel.
Click here to subscribe!

We will have live classes Monday to Friday from 06:30 to 07:30h (CET).
The classes will be guided both in English & Spanish.

The recorded videos will remain on our YouTube Channel if you can’t join live and if you want to use them to practice on weekends.


This practice will take you one hour a day.
You can do it at the time that better suits you or practice live with us from 06:30h to 07:30 CEST.
(Recordings from the class will be available after it finishes)

Our teachers will guide the class following this structure:


Every day we will begin our practice chanting the Adi Mantra and the Mangala Charan Mantra. You may either chant or just listen to them, as a way to set the focus to begin our practice.


During the warmup we prepare the body and mind for the sequence that we will be doing. This part of the practice may either change every day or remain the same, it is up to you. If you are following our guided practice, you will notice that every teacher has their own style for this part of the class. If you will practice by yourself, use a warmup that sets the tone in the mind and body to be ready to do the sequence with more ease.


This time, the sequence (kriya) we chose to practice is the Kundalini Yoga Set to Relax and Release Fear (click here to download the pdf).  We will do the same practice every day for 40 consecutive days.


After the kriya we will lay down to relax for 5-11min and let the body integrate the work we have done. It is an essential part of the practice, don’t miss it! ;·)


And last but not least, we will sit to meditate for 7-11 minutes with the Adi Shakti Mantra (Morning Call) (You can chant it or do it in silence).


To end our practice and close the space we will chant Sat Nam 3 times to honor your inner truth.

If you have any questions, write to Daniela Troconis, one of our Lead Teachers, at daniela@imagineacademy.es

If you will be practicing by yourself, prepare your body before you begin the Sequence (Kriya)

We recommend you to follow our guided clases for the 40-day practice at Imagine Academy’s Youtube Channel, but if you practice by yourself, be sure to warm up to prepare the body. You can do your own warm-up or use what we offer below.

On the links below you will find 2 pdfs, one with the Sun Salutation and another with exercises to improve flexibility. The idea is to do between 3 and 5 repetitions of the Sun Salutation and then choose some of the other exercises from the pdf to unlock hips and shoulders before starting the Kriya. We recommend you to do the firsts repetitions of the Sun Salutation more slowly and doing several breaths in each position, so the body can warm up and stretch little by little.

If you have any questions, you can write to Daniela Troconis, one of our teacher trainers, at daniela@imagineacademy.es

Remember to enjoy your practice and listen to your body to avoid injuries

The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. Participate at your own risk. If you have any injuries or special condition (either physical or mental) please contact a professional before doing this practice. If you feel dizzy, light headed, faint, or if you experience any other discomforts, stop exercising immediately and consult a medical doctor. You are responsible for your condition during your workout. Exercise within your limits. Never force or strain. Seek attention and advise as appropriate.

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