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Free 40-day Sadhana to Cultivate Inner Strength & Self- Love!

MAY 29TH TO JULY 7TH, 2024.


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· Beginners & advanced yoga practitioners are welcome ·

40 days to Cultivate Inner Strength & Self-Love

Join us for this beautiful practice that combines movement and different breathing techniques to move the energy, strengthen your inner self, cultivate self-love as you release tension, and connect with your inner self.

We begin on May 29th, 2024.

These are the powerful benefits of this practice…



Cultivates inner strength and self-love.


Strengthens the abdominal area and ignites your inner fire.


Increases flexibility and strength of the spine.


Helps to detox, with digestion and elimination.


Moves the energy from the lower to the higher Chakras.


Balances the nervous system, promotes relaxation, and increases mental clarity and focus.

What is a 40-day Sadhana?

A 40-day Sadhana practice is a very transformative Kundalini Yoga tradition where you practice the same sequence of postures and breathing techniques (Kriya) for 40 consecutive days. It allows you to deepen the benefits of the practice, reconnect with yourself, and remember the power of daily work and consistency.

It will also allow you to connect with a beautiful community and receive daily support from the teachers.

For our upcoming experience, we will be doing the Set to Cultivate Inner Strength & Self-Love, which includes movement, breathing techniques, and meditation.

 Check this video to learn more about the 40-day practices in Kundalini Yoga, where Pedro Misle, our Philosophy teacher, explains the theory behind this practice, plus some insights and inspiration for you!

What will this experience offer you:


The support of Imagine Yoga Academy's community of teachers, graduates and students.


Daily inspirational emails that will help you establish a daily yoga & meditation practice, so you can be more clear and focused.


Practices to help you stabilise your nervous system for good mental health so you can respond instead of react, release tension and sleep better.


Tools to clear your mental clutter and tune in to your own inner guidance.


Practices that will nurture your inner strength, boost vitality, and remind you of the power of daily work and consistency!


A space to cultivate self-love, kindness and compassion so you can feel a greater connection with yourself and others.

THE EXPERIENCE OF former participants

Every time I meet myself during a 40-day practice is because I want to go back and take care of what really matters. My body needs me, my feelings need me, my perceptions need me. May I awaken from forgetfulness and realize I am my true home…

Ángela Ballen


With the 40-day practice I have been able to establish a morning routine, to make time for myself, starting into the days with a sharp and calm mind. 
I overcame habitual procrastination and laziness traits due to the togetherness and connection with the community. I felt I was contributing to a wonderful group of people and them supporting me to consistently show up for myself

Nadja Hansen


Thanks  for the journey! It’s been one of being true to myself, maintaining discipline, integrity, releasing, insight and clarity.



Be part of this amazing experience!

Enjoy the guidance of the teachers and the support from the community

* We keep your info safe, & you can unsubscribe easily anytime.


This practice will take you one hour a day.
You can do it at the time that better suits you or practice live with us from 06:30h to 07:30 CEST.
(Recordings from the class will be available after it finishes)

Our teachers will guide the class following this structure:


Every day we will begin our practice chanting the Adi Mantra and the Mangala Charan Mantra. You may either chant or just listen to them, as a way to set the focus to begin our practice.


During the warmup we prepare the body and mind for the sequence that we will be doing. This part of the practice may either change every day or remain the same, it is up to you. If you are following our guided practice, you will notice that every teacher has their own style for this part of the class. If you will practice by yourself, use a warmup that sets the tone in the mind and body to be ready to do the sequence with more ease.


This time the sequence (kriya) we chose to practice is the Set to Cultivate Inner Strength & Self-Love (register for free to receive the pdf with the practice).  We will do the same practice every day for 40 consecutive days.


After the kriya we will lay down to relax for 5-11min and let the body integrate the work we have done. It is an essential part of the practice, don’t miss it! ;·)


And last but not least, we will sit to meditate for 7-11 minutes with the Adi Shakti Mantra (Morning Call) (You can chant it or do it in silence).


To end our practice and close the space we will chant Sat Nam 3 times to honor your inner truth.

Be part of this amazing experience!

Enjoy the guidance of the teachers and the support from the community

* We keep your info safe, & you can unsubscribe easily anytime.

Is this 40-day practice for you?


YES! If you want to boost vitality & inspiration, balance your nervous and digestive systems, feel energized, and sleep better!


YES! If you want to feel physically and mentally stronger and more relaxed!


YES! If you are aiming to dive deep into yourself and connect with your inner truth.


YES! If you want to create a daily practice that sustains you and share with our worldwide community!

THE EXPERIENCE OF former participants

I would recommend a 40-day practice to anyone who is searching for meaning and purpose. It truly enhances the quality of your life through very concrete things: waking up early enough to smell the air at dawn, to witness silence and hear the whispers of your soul. It brings routine and structure to your daily schedule and you begin your day, already equipped with strength through your practice and a sense of harmony through the chanting of mantra.

Shahrazad Chida


A 40-day practice is a perfect way to take you from point A to B. I remember my first 40 days as if it was yesterday. It allowed me to see who I am meant to be, and then to free what’s not necessary anymore. Then, the space and energy to be this person were available, just here, where my Sat Nam exists. It’s such an easy way to feel that what you think you are or could be is already here.

Valery Demont


Be part of this amazing experience!

Enjoy the guidance of the teachers and the support from the community

* We keep your info safe, & you can unsubscribe easily anytime.


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