KUNDALINI YOGA RETREAT· July 4th to 7th, 2024 ·
It is time to BECOME!
Kundalini Energy is related to our creative potential. It is the power we have to create our reality. It is about creating a life we love as we embrace our true nature and dare to be who we truly are. It is the moment when we choose to live the life we deserve.
Join us for this amazing 4-day retreat in the mountains. 4-days to practice, meditate, and deepen the experience of being your best.
Guided by Daniela Troconis, Judith Ender & Pedro Misle, with live music from Joan Sendra & Pedro Misle.
It will be an amazing experience! With sun, mountains, fresh air, amazing people, yoga practice, meditation, live music, delicious vegetarian food, and nature to be enjoyed. It is all yours! it is all for you!
Daily Schedule
We begin on Thursday with a class at from 16:30 to 18:30h and finish on Sunday after lunch.
The daily schedule for Friday and Saturday will be:
6:00 to 8:30 Sadhana (Morning physical and meditative practice)
8:30 to 9:30 Breakfast
10:00 to 11:15 Class 1
15min Break
11:30 to 13:00 Class 2
13:00 to 14:00 Lunch
14:00 to 16:30 Freetime
16:30 to 18:30 Class 3
19:00 Dinner
The retreat begins on Thursday, July 4th at 16:30 and ends on Sunday, July 7th after lunch.
The prices include course tuition, lodging, and all meals during the stay, starting with the dinner on Thursday and ending with the lunch on Sunday. We will be offering breakfast and two vegetarian meals a day. If you need to have a special diet, please let us know in advance.
For registration please contact Judith at
Tel. 0041 78 810 27 09
Lodging at Chiene Huus
Single-use in double room with shower in Chiene Huus
- Lodging at Chien Huus in single occupancy in a double room with a shower in the bedroom, from July 4th to, 2024.
Shared double room with shower in Chiene Huus
- Lodging at Chienn Huus in a shared double room with a shower in the bedroom, from July 4th to, 2024.
Lodging at Kientalerhof
Single use in double room with bathroom
- Lodging at Kientalerhof in single occupancy in a double room with a shower in the bedroom, from July 4th to, 2024.
Single-use in double room with shower on the floor
- Lodging at Kientalerhof in single occupancy in a double room with a shower on the floor, from July 4th to, 2024.
Shared double room with shower
- Lodging at Kientalerhof in a shared double room with a shower in the bedroom, from July 4th to, 2024.
Shared double room with shower on the floor
- Lodging at Kientalerhof in a shared double room with a shower in the room, from July 4th to, 2024.
Shared room x3 with shower
- Lodging at Kientalerhof in a shared room x3 with a shower in the bedroom, from July 4th to, 2024.
Shared room x3 with shower on the floor
- Lodging at Kientalerhof in a shared room x3 with a shower on the floor, from July 4th to, 2024.
Shared room x4 with shower
- Lodging at Kientalerhof in a shared room x4 with a shower on the floor, from July 4th to, 2024.
Shared room x6 with shower on the floor
- Lodging at Kientalerhof in a shared room x6 with a shower on the floor, from July 4th to, 2024.