+41 78 810 2709 / +34 610 992 715 / +386 64 273 551 imagine@imagineacademy.eu

Data Protection & Privacy Policy

In compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the board of April 27, 2016, relative to the protection of physical persons with respect to their personal information and the free circulation of that data and for which is repealed the existing Directive 95/46 CE (from here on out, RGPD), Imagine Yoga Academy informs the following:

On our website www.imagineacademy.eu we clearly state our Data protection and privacy policy. The User is invited to revise and accept it. If the User does not accept but yet continues navigating our site this immediately implies the full acceptance, freely and unequivocally of our Data protection and privacy policy.

Regarding the use of your data, our school uses them in the following manner:

  1. Bulletin of activities, news, promotions, and publicity of Imagine Yoga Academy.
  2. Communications of a commercial nature by email or other methods using the information given to us at our web page www.imagineacademy.eu.
  3. The sending of any and all requests on the part of the user and interested party through any of the means available communicated by Imagine Yoga Academy on its web page: imagineacademy.eu.

In the same way, by accepting our Data protection and privacy policy, the USER understands and accepts that Imagine Yoga Academy uses Facebook and Instagram as principal tools to promote and communicate our courses and offerings, and therefore uses ALL AND ANY tracking tools these platforms offer to extract data from our website to be used for publicity reasons in such platforms.

The data that is asked for through our web page: www.imagineacademy.eu is necessary given that it is the manner for Imagine Academy to adequately offer its services to the end user. In case that information is not shared with Imagine Yoga Academy, we cannot guarantee that the information and services requested completely satisfy the needs of the end user.

The truthfulness of data sent through the website of, www.imagineacademy.eu is the unique and sole responsibility of the USER. In this way, exonerating Imagine Yoga Academy owner of the site in question, from any further responsibility that may incur. USERS should respond in such a way as to guarantee the authenticity of the personal data given and promise to keep said information actualized. Each USER promises to give accurate information when filling out the questionnaire or request for additional information.

The USER can direct his or her communications and exercise their rights of Access, correction, cancelation and disagreement by writing to the following address: Camino Real 2bis, Edif. Lagos Park Ikasa, Bajo C009, Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain, or through electronic mail at: imagine@imagineacademy.eu. In all cases, said communication should come accompanied by a copy of the National Document of Identity or Passport and indicate in the subject line: “Data Protection.”

In the same way, the USER can ask to be removed from all digital lists that Imagine Yoga Academy might maintain and subsequently be removed from said lists simply by “clicking” Unsubscribe from our database. If you receive electronic mails it is because you have asked to receive them since we do not practice a policy of SPAM.

We have adopted all of the technical and organizational methods in order to guarantee the security and integrity of the data submitted to us of a personal nature so as to prevent its subsequent loss or Access by Third Parties who are not authorized nor form a part of Imagine Yoga.

Imagine Yoga Academy reserves the right to modify this present policy in order to adapt to new legislative initiatives or legal requirements as practiced by those who use these means as a way of communicating Company offerings. Should that occur, Imagine Yoga Academy will announce with sufficient warning all such future changes to this document and policies for the Protection of Information by private parties.

We invite you to read here our Data Protection & Privacy Policy. By continuing your visit on this website, you consent to its terms.