You wander from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck. Rumi
The Kriya I am proposing is a simple and yet powerful meditation to bring the mind back to stillness. Different breath techniques and mantras are used to relax, to soothe our nervous system, and to bring our minds close to us again. In these moments of emptiness, the door can open up for us, so we can remember who we truly are. All the love, beauty, validation and answers we are craving for are within, so let’s take a moment to sit in silence, to listen and explore what the stillness has to offer us.
Let’s practice together!
In our Youtube Channel you have a video with the guided practice of the Shabad Kriya Meditation for Deep Relaxation and Better Sleep. If you want to practice on your own, find the instructions below. Enjoy!ย
How to Practice the Shabad Kriya Meditation ยท FOR DEEP RELAXATION AND BETTER SLEEP:
The best time to practice this kriya is every night before bed, but it can be practiced any time during the day. It is said that if it is practiced regularly, sleep will be deep and relaxed, and the nerves will regenerate. After a few months of practice, the rhythm of your breath as you sleep will be subconsciously regulated to the rhythm of the mantra.
The breath is regulated into 22 beats. In Numerology, the number 11 is the number of Infinity, and the number 22 is the mastery of the mental realm. This 22-beat breath gives the mind the power to reach the Infinite.
- Begin sitting down in any comfortable seated position where you can elongate the spine. Use blocks, cushions, or blankets if you need to sit down comfortably. You may also sit in a chair.
- Be sure to keep your spine elongated, your chest open and your shoulders relaxed.
- Place your hands over the lap with the palms facing up, right hand over the left. The thumbs are together and point forward.
Focus the eyes on the tip of the nose, with the eyelids 9/10 closed.
Inhale in 4 equal parts, mentally vibrating the mantra Sa-Ta-Na-Ma. Hold the breath, vibrating the mantra 4 times for a total of 16 beats.
Exhale in 2 equal strokes projecting mentallyย Wahe Guru.
Continue for 11 to 62 minutes.
With Pedro
Nyon March 28th - Zรผrich March 29th
At Hotel Casa Cook El Gouna, Egypt
May 21st to 24th, 2020
With Daniela
Zรผrich May 30st - Nyon May 31st

Winter Kundalini Yoga Retreat at the Swiss Alps
December 9th to 12th

Tantric Numerology Session
Personalized session to gain understanding of your numbers and what they say about your strengths and challenges & receive a Kundalini Yoga practice based on your numerology.

Happy Chemicals Workshop
Yogic tools to hack your brain & conquer your thoughts!