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Change as a call for understanding

Change as a call for understanding

We can definitely say that these are moments of change, but seriously when is change not present in our lives? Sometimes we are more able to flow with it and adapt, sometimes it’s more challenging and we try to hold strongly into our expectations and desires… but what...
Are we living in autopilot?

Are we living in autopilot?

Don’t you feel we are living in autopilot? Don’t you think we are running full speed but we do not know where are we going? Aren’t our days the same day over and over? It certainly describes what I have felt many times. There is only one way to come out from living...
Inner whispers (or screams) from peace

Inner whispers (or screams) from peace

At the age of 25, when I came from Caracas to live in Barcelona, I was already a successful Graphic Designer with experience running two businesses as an entrepreneur, having worked as a freelance, and in an advertising agency. I came to Spain recently after marrying...
Live, die, repeat

Live, die, repeat

I know, it is from “The Edge of Tomorrow,” a great movie by the way.    We live knowing we will die. What is the meaning behind this fact of life? what is mother nature (or you put the name) trying to tell us with this? If you ask me, it is...
Using Yoga to deal with Fear

Using Yoga to deal with Fear

Fear leads our actions far much more than what we would like to admit. We will run in a direction, with all our might, because of fear. BUT, did we mean to go in that direction? Or perhaps we should have managed better our reaction because we are running in the wrong...