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Awaken your diaphragm

Awaken your diaphragm

The diaphragm is the main muscle associated with respiratory movement, and its ease and relaxation allow us to sustain a complete breathing pattern, which oxygenates us, provides energy, and provides balance to our nervous system. When the diaphragm becomes tense or...
One-degree turns for self-renewal

One-degree turns for self-renewal

“Every day you make thousands of tiny decisions about what to do with your time. Every single choice is a chance to turn toward the life you really want.” Martha Beck, The way of integrity. Most of the time when we find ourselves in the need of a change in...
Wholeness: accepting all we are

Wholeness: accepting all we are

Talking to Judith, my great friend, and partner in Imagine Zürich, she said: humans are beautiful and I answered: beautiful, powerful, and dangerous, we are capable of everything, that is what makes us special. Two minutes later I was here, writing this article.  ...